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Published in:   Vol. 11 Issue 1 Date of Publication:   June 2022

Secured Management System for Blood Packets Distributions

Sowmya .N,Dr. H.R Shashidhara

Page(s):   1-4 ISSN:   2278-2397
DOI:   10.20894/IJCNES. Publisher:   Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR)

One of the most vital aspects of life is blood. A Blood centre is a collection of blood that has been integrated as a consequence of blood donations and has been maintained for future use in blood transfusions. Blood transfusions service is vital part of the heath care service. It is generally used in large blood loss therapies, childbirth, and patients undergoing treatment for disorders such as cancer, dengue fever, and bleeding disorders. Nevertheless,donation centers around the country have significant issues,Particularly when it comes to maintaining the blood supply chain. The blood center is one of the most important parts of the hospital,and it is responsible for a variety of tasks such as donor registration, collection of blood sample, Donor screening, Collection of blood donation. The Proposed strategy is to develop a blood bank management system that includes various fuctionalities: Predicting blood requirement, Recommending blood collection campaign venues, and Safe the blood supply system. Long short term memory, k-mean cluster, Django framework were used to implement the proposed approach.