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Published in:   Vol. 7 Issue 2 Date of Publication:   December 2018

An Effective Analysis on Risks in using Smart Mobile Phones

Mohammad Mushtaq Ahmed,Nesaian Reginal Wilfred, Sutherlin Subitha George, Wasim Haidar SK.

Page(s):   81-85 ISSN:   2278-2397
DOI:   10.20894/IJCNES. Publisher:   Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR)

In this current technological world, mobile phones have become a basic need for communication to human beings. On the other hand, mobile phones are identified as harmful medium of threat to lead a happy life. The main aim of this study is to provide enough health awareness to the public about the mobile devices. This study reviews and reports the facts and results about the danger of using mobile devices. In order to observe and analyze the public awareness, questionnaires are prepared holding twelve different questions and the survey results are generated from public residing in Sultanate of Oman. The important points of the results revealed that most of people predict that use of mobile phone can causes danger to human health and it can also affect the parts of the human body. In addition, this paper analyses and reports the safety precautions to be taken to reduce the risks